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 DHL Supply Chain, the global and North American contract logistics leader within Deutsche Post DHL Group, has entered into a power purchase agreement to buy all of the electricity generated from the rooftop solar array on its latest Livermore, CA warehouse (1201 Voyager St.) investment. The facility’s rooftop features more than 2,200 solar modules/panels that are expected to generate more than 1,500,000 kWh (~224 average California households) for the facility in the first year alone.

  “As the world’s leading logistics company, sustainability is a driving force at DHL Supply Chain and we are continually evaluating and implementing strategies to reduce our environmental impact,” said Doug Evans, Senior Director of Operations, Technology, DHL Supply Chain. “Our new solar panel array will benefit both the environment and our bottom line while enabling us to more efficiently serve our valued customer.”


DHL Supply Chain 是德国邮政敦豪集团旗下全球和北美合同物流的,已签订购电协议,购买其的加利福尼亚州利弗莫尔仓库(航海者街 1201 号)屋顶太阳能电池阵列产生的所有电力。投资。该设施的屋顶设有 2,200 多个太阳能组件/电池板,预计仅在年就可为该设施产生超过 1,500,000 千瓦时(约 224 个普通加利福尼亚家庭)的电力。

  “作为的物流公司,可持续发展是 DHL Supply Chain 的驱动力,我们不断和实施战略,以减少我们对环境的影响,”DHL Supply Chain gaoji运营和技术总监 Doug Evans 说。“我们新的太阳能电池板阵列将有益于环境和我们的底线,同时使我们能够更有效地为我们尊贵的客户提供服务。”

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