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The FedEx office, convenient for national printing, packaging, shipping, and FedEx services, as well as its subsidiary suppliers (NYSE: FDX) and RushMyPassport, will collaborate to provide expedited US passport services for travelers nationwide starting this summer.
The routine passport processing time in the United States has increased from four to six weeks to six to eight weeks. Now, travelers who are in a hurry to apply for passports, renew or update passport photos that meet the requirements can go to one of the 2000 convenient FedEx office locations or visit to complete these travel tasks comfortably through one-stop shopping. Other services include overnight delivery of emergency passport applications, comprehensive tracking and visibility of the entire approval process, and 24/7 free assistance from passport experts.
Federal Express Office Operations Officer Kim Dixon said, "We are excited about this strategic partnership with RushMyPassport, which provides travelers with a fast and effective solution to meet their urgent passport and renewal needs." "Many of us have experienced the pain of realizing that our passports are not yet ready for upcoming travel, so they are eager to find a solution.". This convenient service will help eliminate frequent confusion and common errors, and help streamline processes。
纽约州纽约市旗舰店 Ruiz 说:“在意识到护照还没有为即将到来的旅行做好准备后,我在一刻帮助许多客户获取了护照照片以更新他们的护照。” “这项新产品的巨大优势在于,现在我们的客户可以在全国 2,000 多个地点中的任何一个地点停留,并快速轻松地处理他们的所有护照需求。”
加急护照和加急护照更新基准定价(包含在加急处理服务中)在六个级别中提供。其中包括24小时服务、次日服务、优先服务、加急服务、标准服务和加急续订。此外,客户可以购买两张符合规定的高质量 2×2 照片,与护照申请一起提交。
“我们的团队专门为旅行者快速获得美国护照。例行护照处理可能需要数周时间,这可能意味着享受您花费数月计划或取消的梦想假期之间的区别。您还必须考虑*终通过邮件收到的文件出现问题的可能性,从而导致进一步的延误甚至更多的麻烦,”RushMyPassport 的执行官 Mosie Miller 说。“RushMyPassport 和 FedEx Office 的联合服务产品可帮助旅客克服这些问题,提供一种平稳安全的方式来处理护照需求。”