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宜春DHL国际快递电话 宜昌DHL快递下单寄件 

宜春DHL Freight 在比利时获得了使用 LNG 卡车的初步经验。自 2018年夏季以来,其中四辆重型车已成为世界上的运动鞋和运动服开发商和销售商之一的可持续运输解决方案的一部分。现在,以天然气为动力的卡车可以与大型拖车相结合,这是以前由于油箱设计而无法实现的壮举。三米的内部装载高度使该设备成为汽车行业的解决方案,因为它不仅提供更大的装载能力,而且还可以装载更大的备件。

  根据德国邮政 DHL 集团的目标,即到 2050 年将所有与物流相关的排放量减少到零净值,DHL Freight越来越多地投资于短途和长途运输的替代驱动器。与传统柴油动力发动机相比,LNG 燃料卡车的燃油效率提高了 15%,行驶里程可达 1500公里。这代表了直接的成本节约。与当前欧 VI 柴油规范要求的水平相比,它们的颗粒物排放量减少了 99%,氮氧化物 (NOx)排放量减少了 70%。当旅行包括市中心地区和全天候运输时,LNG 动力发动机发出的噪音水平大大降低,提供了额外的好处。


宜春DHL快递范围:袁州区 奉新县 万载县 上高县 宜丰县 靖安县 铜鼓县 丰城市 樟树市 高安市

  DHL Freight, one of the leading providers of road freightservices in Europe, has deployed one of the very first li gas (LNG)-powered Iveco Stralis long-haul trucks capable oftowing a mega trailer. During a year-long trial period the truckwill operate as a daily shuttle between DHL’s logistics center anda BMW Group production plant in southern Germany. Thanks to ahigher loading height and increased fuel efficiency, mega trailersin road transport are particularly important for the automotiveindustry, making BMW Group the ideal partner for testing inGermany. Since last year’s contract renewal with the BMW Group, DHLhas been managing the automotive manufacturer’s supply chain inseven additional areas, as well as all road transport between 17countries.


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