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UPS (NYSE.uUPs, a globaleader in logjsics,today anouncedhatit is wonkng with lAGEN, a leading globalprovider oimolecular diagnostics and sample preparation technologies,todelive!udlelc acid exraction kts citical to Cov!.19 tesing,as welas ts nove! Coronawlus tesing catidgestodesinatons around the word. With governmenis and pubicauhoities dasiying UPs as arssemial senice proider hecomany is combinming the exbity of is lobea nework wth@lAGEN's increased roducion capactyfor COvl-19 testino kisoroduced atther falyin Hiden. Geranhelp healthcareworkers curb the spread of the diseaseCustomers and govemmenls around he wond are twuming to thereiabiy of UPs's smant global logisics network to help fighhis pandemic," said Lou Riieccio, president. UPs Europe."Businesoninuity has never been more importantforourcustomers andthat is what we coninue to deler wheherit be fondelveny or storage ofmedicnes,tesing kits or medical suppes And whenit comes toinsurina that increased production volumes oftesting kits reach vital destinations around the world suchour teams are here to help customers naviaatecomplexity and focus onghting this pandemic.itv flexlolAmerca

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