Board of Management intends to withdraw approx. 39 million treasury shares
At the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Management announced its intention to withdraw approx. 39 million treasury shares.
Melanie Kreis, CFO DHL Group, explains: "Our share buyback program, which was extended in March 2024 and increased to EUR 4 billion, also gives us the opportunity to withdraw shares. We intend to make use of this option. The planned withdrawal will increase the weighting of our shares in the DAX."
The share capital of Deutsche Post AG is to be reduced accordingly as part of the withdrawal. This means that each share will continue to represent EUR 1 of the share capital.
As part of the voting on the agenda items, valid votes representing an average of 782,748,070 shares were cast. This corresponds to 63.17 percent of the share capital entitled to vote (2023: 63.41 percent).
位于 I-210 附近的便利位置,由于运送到环太平洋地区的亚裔美国人比例很高,去年客户对圣盖博谷的 DHL Express 服务的需求显着增加。这个位于阿卡迪亚的新单位是南加州的第二个快闪店。2021 年 4 月,DHL 在奇诺岗开设了家移动商店,并计划今年晚些时候在南加州其他地点开设类似的商店。
弹出式装置位于获得专利的液压升降平台的顶部,该平台可以降低几乎与地面齐平,因此客户可以轻松地通过窗户或商店进入。使用高效的销售点系统,可以将货件处理到美国目的地或 DHL 服务的 220 个国家和地区中的任何一个。移动装置提供气泡膜、包装胶带和 DHL 品牌包装盒等用品,很快客户甚至可以从这些地点提取收到的包裹。
为了应对社交距离问题,这家 DHL ServicePoint 商店还通过其易于访问的服务窗口提供方便的安全功能,例如 Call Ahead 服务(客户到达时标签和包装已准备好以减少等待时间)。