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常熟市DHL快递邮寄电话 常熟市DHL快递派送全球 国际物流

发布时间: 2024-02-29 13:09 更新时间: 2025-01-11 07:30

常熟市DHL快递邮寄电话 常熟市DHL快递派送全球 国际物流




Mr. Wail Al Jaafari, Aramco Executive Vice President of Technical Services, said: "This is an exciting day for Aramco, for DHL, and for everyone working to build a brighter future for our region. We're launching ASMO with an ambitious vision for it to become a market leader in Saudi Arabia and the wider MENA region offering world class comprehensive end-to-end supply chain services that would create value for its customers and enhance the resilience of their supply chain. ASMO will not only work on advancing the economic interests of Aramco and DHL, but it plans to also help accelerate growth across the industrial sector of Saudi Arabia and the MENA region while supporting the Kingdom's 2030 vision of becoming a global logistics hub."、

Mr. Oscar de Bok, DHL Supply Chain CEO, emphasized the transformative power of the joint venture: "By uniting the expertise of DHL Supply Chain and Aramco in this new joint venture we aim to break free from traditional procurement and logistics constraints, responding to the evolving dynamics of global supply chains. ASMO is the region's first hub providing a comprehensive and integrated end-to-end supply chain service offering for businesses in the energy, chemical and industrial sectors. ASMO plans to redefine the way these companies will procure, store and transport goods and services within, to and from Saudi Arabia and the wider MENA region, seeking to drive efficiencies, cost savings and economies of scale."


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  • 经理:潘记伟
  • 手机:18262108721
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  • Email:2217541087@qq.com