常德FedEx快递网点取件 常德FedEx国际快递公司
常德FedEx快递网点取件 常德FedEx国际快递公司
FedEx Express (FedEx), a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, has offered more than 4,000 students from 37 elementary schools in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ward the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in simulated job positions through its Student City Program with Junior Achievement (JA) Japan.
During the year-long program, students were tasked to drive profitability for their business. They assumed various roles, such as a courier, sales representative, operations manager, and accountant at a mock-up FedEx World Service Centre. The students conducted a series of meetings to brainstorm new ideas on innovating, promoting, and selling parcel delivery services to customers while managing operational costs, which reflects the operations of a logistics company in reality.
“I feel inspired to see so many young minds gathering to share new perspectives and finding ways to innovate service offerings to improve the overall customer experience,” said Kei Alan Kubota, managing director of FedEx Express Japan. “What the students experience through their roles during the program is similar to the sort of challenges we face at FedEx every day. Through this experience, students will have a better understanding of how global trade supports economic growth, and learn to appreciate how each role contributes to the success of a company.”
Student City is an experience-based economic education program that runs throughout the academic year of Japan and is open to all public elementary school students in the Shinagawa Ward. It is jointly operated by Shinagawa Ward and local non-profit Junior Achievement (JA) Japan, which teaches students about the economy, workforce readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. Students role-play as residents in the mock-up city and interact with each other as customers and employees of various businesses.
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