包河DHL快递取件网点 包河区DHL快递下单电话
包河DHL快递取件网点 包河区DHL快递下单电话
“我们 Greenplan 希望帮助该行业提高效率和可持续性。Greenplan 执行官 Clemens Beckmann 博士解释说,凭借我们智能而强大的算法,我们正在通过提供可集成到现有系统中的可靠的解决方案来解决高效路线规划的复杂任务。“与市场上几乎所有的工具相比,Greenplan 根据街道上可用的历史交通信息计算路线。与标准路线优化解决方案相比,这反过来又使我们的客户能够节省高达 20% 的成本,并相应地降低碳足迹,只需减少行驶里程。”
客户需求不断变化:不断增长的电子商务市场推动了对当日交货的需求,而合同物流市场越来越关注及时处理。Greenplan 算法适用于此类情况,不仅能够消化目标地址,还能够消化发货级别的个别交货时间窗口。通过考虑与时间相关的、特定于街道的旅行时间,Greenplan 还找到了送货旅行的开始时间。这些改进的旅行增加了客户的可预测性,并且对司机来说显得很自然。该解决方案还支持在数据不完整的情况下进行应急计划,并考虑与系统相关的变量,例如不同的装载类型或遵守法规。
Multi-modal shipping is widely used in the supply chain industry to support business continuity. However, it has not so far been used primarily to reduce a company's Scope 3 carbon emissions.
Schneider Electric and DHL Global Forwarding's new pilot schemes have allowed the two partners to test multi-modal shipping as a business-as-usual process on demand. Orders are delivered with agility and flexibility, either by air freight or multi-modal shipping, depending on capacity, air surges, margins, customer offers, and stock availability. Building on this end-to-end capability, the model is further enhanced with DHL Global Forwarding offering the use of SAF via its GoGreen Plus service, leading to deliveries generating up to 90% less carbon emissions and being and self-sustaining. This gives Schneider Electric the agility to plan, decide, procure, execute, and govern the model, achieving a more resilient and agile supply chain.
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