台州DHL国际快递 台州DHL快递航空全球 DHL下单取件
台州DHL国际快递 台州DHL快递航空全球 DHL下单取件 作为继任者,多元化的视角、zhuoyue的专业知识和久经考验的领导技能
Barbara Eleota将接替Panhauser,自2024年8月1日起担任DHL欧洲全球货运部海运主管。Eleota从德铁信可加入DHL集团,在物流领域拥有超过25年的经验。在她的整个职业生涯中,她在贸易管理方面表现出色,尤其是专注于北美,并担任意大利的Country Ocean Freight经理。Eleota将总部设在汉堡,并将直接向Tobias Schmidt报告,虚线为DHL Global Forwarding全球海运主管Casper Ellerbaek。
DHL Global Forwarding Europe首席执行官Tobias Schmidt表示:“凭借其久经考验的领导技能和多样化的视角,Barbara Eleota将加强我们公司促进可持续业务增长的能力,并为我们的持续成功制定经得起未来考验的战略。我们很高兴有这样一位经验丰富、zhiming的物流专家加入我们的团队。”。
The historic 500 millionth pick occurred on May 18, 2024, at DHL's Toledo, Spain facility, where a LocusBot retrieved a consumer home goods product. While it took 2.5 years for DHL to reach the first 10 million picks, the next 100 million picks were accomplished in just 28 months. Remarkably, the last 100 million picks took a mere 154 days. Attaining this milestone exemplifies the power of human-robot collaboration and the exponential growth of the technology, with LocusBots seamlessly augmenting DHL's human workforce to deliver unparalleled performance.
"At DHL, we are relentlessly focused on driving innovation and operational excellence through our Accelerated Digitalization strategy aimed at deploying automated solutions at scale," said Sally Miller, Chief Information Officer at DHL Supply Chain. "Locus Robotics has been a trusted partner in this effort and this milestone achievement underscores the improved productivity, accuracy, and employee ergonomics we've enjoyed across our global network."
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