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更新时间:2025-01-28 07:30:00
联系手机: 18262108721

“This is an exciting development for our customers and our team members, as the benefits of integration are coming to life through a faster, more comprehensive service for businesses trading within Europe,” said Bert Nappier, president of FedEx Express and CEO of . “Through integration with we are building Europe’s premier logistics business, and the integration of our economy networks takes us one step closer.”

  The service improvement is currently being launched across Germany, United Kingdom, Benelux, Poland and Spain and will progressively roll out across the rest of Europe throughout the first half of 2019. As a result, many customers will see faster transit times and some may see co-branded drivers pick up or deliver shipments, as more stations integrate. Tracking and shipping tools, customer support and invoicing will remain the same, ensuring a consistent interface for customers.

  Through integration with , FedEx Express has significantly increased its presence in the European market. ’s road network operates 55,000 weekly road trips, across more than 540 depots and 45 countries in Europe. Prior to the acquisition, Europe FedEx already served 46 airports across the continent, and operated more than 39 aircraft and more than 5,000 vehicles on the road.



  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
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  • 经理:潘记伟
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  • Email:2217541087@qq.com