佛山联邦快递电话 佛山FedEx快递空运全球 佛山国际物流
佛山联邦快递电话 佛山FedEx快递空运全球 佛山国际物流
"FedEx’s expansion in Kansas City is a direct reflection of our customers’ international shipment growth, as the Covid-19pandemic has turther driven digital transformation and significanty accelerated B2c and B2B E commerce”" said Nemer AbohasenGeneral Manager for the Midwest U.s. at FedEx Express. "This larger facility wil allow us to not only improve efficiencies, but speeddelivery services and enhance the safe working environment for our employees.
佛山市FedEx快递咨询 佛山市FedEx快递服务
The larger FedEx warehouse can process up to 3,550 pieces per hour, through the use of a cutting-edge conveyor sorting systemthat features dua-view X-ray package screening for safety and security, as well as image-capture technology and automated barcode sorting functionality, Handling U.s, domestic as well as time-definite interational shipments to and from the 220 countries andterritories served by FedEx, the faclity is expected to accommodate the shipment growth proiected over the next ten vears. asreflected in its long-term lease through 2031.
- 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
- 电话:15251186381
- 经理:潘记伟
- 手机:18262108721
- QQ:2217541087