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郑州联邦快递电话 郑州FedEx快递航空中心/全程无忧

更新时间:2025-01-30 07:30:00
联系手机: 18262108721

郑州联邦快递电话 郑州FedEx快递航空中心/全程无忧

The digital economy, especially e-commerce, is driving the boundaries of global trade and providing more development opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises. 94% of small and medium-sized enterprises use e-commerce, 90% use mobile commerce, and 85% use social commerce. They use these channels to purchase goods and services and find customers in the international market.

In the operating revenue of enterprises, e-commerce, mobile commerce, and social commerce account for 42%, 37%, and 31%, respectively. Most small and medium-sized enterprises expect their revenue from these channels to continue to grow in the next 2-3 years. A survey found that WeChat is the most popular social platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, and social commerce provides assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises in tracking shipments (49%), handling payment and currency issues (48%), and handling customs clearance procedures (43%).


郑州  中原区  二七区  管城回族区  金水区  上街区  惠济区  中牟县  巩义市  荥阳市   新密市  新郑市  登封市

New technologies make small and medium-sized enterprises more optimistic about international trade

Among the interviewed small and medium-sized enterprises, 87% stated that they are utilizing new technologies such as mobile payments, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of their supply chains and channels. Mobile payment is currently the most widely used new technology among small and medium-sized enterprises (93%), and it is expected to show a growth rate of nearly 78% in the future, approaching the existing user base. Artificial intelligence and big data analysis also have strong growth potential. 58% of surveyed companies indicate that they may start using artificial intelligence in the future, and 53% of companies may start using big data analysis.CXWCWCWC.png


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
  • 电话:15251186381
  • 经理:潘记伟
  • 手机:18262108721
  • QQ:2217541087
  • Email:2217541087@qq.com