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武汉UPS国际快递网点 武汉UPS快递邮寄全球-预约电话

更新时间:2025-01-28 07:30:00
联系手机: 18262108721

武汉UPS国际快递网点  武汉UPS快递邮寄全球-预约电话   

武汉UPS(纽约所代码:UPS)已达成Zui终协议,以 8 亿美元的价格将 UPS Freight (UPSF) 出售给 TFI International Inc.(纽约所代码:TFII),但须进行营运资金和其他调整。

  “作为 TFI International Inc. 的一部分,我们对未来以及这为 UPS 和 UPS Freight 创造的机会感到兴奋,”UPS 执行官 Carol Tomé 说。“该协议使 UPS 能够更加专注于我们业务的核心部分,为我们的客户创造价值。”

  出售 武汉UPS Freight 的决定是在对 UPS 产品组合进行彻底后做出的,符合公司“更好而不是更大”的战略定位。

  武汉UPS 和 TFI International 还将签署一项协议,UPS Freight 将在五年内继续利用 UPS 的国内包裹网络来完成货件。

  该受惯例成交条件和监管部门批准的约束,预计将于 2021 年第二季度完成。UPS 预计将在其综合收益表中确认约 5 亿美元的非现金税前减值费用截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日止年度。

  武汉UPS Freight 拥有超过 85 年的运营历史,是美国的 LTL 承运人之一,为所有 LTL 货件提供全方位的区域和长途解决方案以及准时交付保证,总部位于里士满,弗吉尼亚州

武汉UPS快递寄件流程 武汉UPS快递全球送达

 武汉UPS (NYSE:UPS) continues its involvement with COVID-19 vaccine delivery efforts through a partnership with global pharmaceutical and medical supply distributor McKesson. Through contracts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response to support Operation Warp Speed, McKesson is the centralized distributor for non-ultra-frozen COVID-19 vaccines and ancillary supply kits. Under its agreement with McKesson, UPS will begin delivering Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, which today received a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization.

  “This is a historic logistics feat and UPS Healthcare is honored to play a role in this effort,” says Wes Wheeler, president of UPS Healthcare. “Our mantra is ‘Quality Focused. Patient Driven’ and we know that at the end of each vaccine journey is a patient seeking hope and relief from this pandemic. We take our pivotal role in this ongoing campaign seriously.”



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