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庐阳区DHL快递寄件电话 庐阳区DHL快递全球派送 专注国际物流

更新时间:2024-06-26 07:30:00

庐阳区DHL快递寄件电话 庐阳区DHL快递全球派送 专注国际物流

DHL Express announced today the launch of GoGreen Plus, a new service that allows customers to reduce (insert) carbon emissions related to their transportation by using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). 1. This is the first global express delivery company, Zui will initially be launched in the UK, soon followed by Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. Starting this month, customers from these countries can choose GoGreen Plus when choosing transportation services through the company's online shipping and tracking platform MyDHL+. This service is designed to be completely flexible as it can be selected for individual shipments.

GoGreen Plus will be available to all DHL Express customers worldwide in the coming months, and customers will have the opportunity to customize the CO2e reduction they want to achieve and the amount of SAF they use.

After DHL Zui collaborated with BP and Neste to provide SAF to DHL express hubs around the world, the new GoGreen Plus service became possible. The renewable portion of innovative fuels is produced from waste oil. Compared to the traditional jet fuels it replaces, this sustainable aviation fuel from waste and residues can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% over its lifecycle.

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DHL Express首席执行官John Pearson表示:“我们知道我们的客户致力于减少对环境的影响,因此我们必须为他们提供这样做的方法。我很高兴客户现在可以充分利用我们对SAF的投资,使他们能够降低货物的排放。SAF目前是减少航空业碳排放的主要途径,因此这是帮助我们的客户使自己的供应链更具可持续性的Zui有效方法。

通过GoGreen Plus进行嵌入,客户可以降低其范围3排放,即公司价值链中发生的间接温室气体排放,包括下游运输和分销。与抵消计划不同,GoGreen Plus(嵌入)减少了物流部门的排放,因此可用于DHL客户自己的自愿排放报告,并遵循科学碳目标倡议(SBTi)理念。

GoGreen Plus 服务是德国邮政 DHL 集团到 2050 年实现净零排放的可持续发展目标的一部分。它有助于实现到30年所有航空运输使用2030%的SAF的中期目标。根据其可持续发展路线图,德国邮政DHL集团旨在为所有部门的所有产品和服务提供绿色替代方案。



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