嘉兴DHL快递取件咨询 嘉兴DHL快递邮寄全球
Ready to go for gold: In October 2023, DHL delivered 21 bobsleds from Cologne, Germany, to Yanqing in China. They belonged to athletes from several European nations who needed them for the start of the IBSF Bobsleigh World Cup. Each sled was about four meters long. DHL picked the equipment up from the national bobsleigh federations and first brought it to Cologne. The next stop was Luxembourg, from where DHL flew all the sleds about 5,000 miles to Beijing. Two trucks finally took them to the Olympic sliding track in Yanqing. As many athletes trained until the last minute, the transport was very time critical, leaving no room at all for delays. At the same time, professional bobsleds are finely tuned precision machines, accurately adjusted and calibrated to their respective pilots. Therefore, they must be handled very carefully.
- 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
- 电话:15251186381
- 经理:潘记伟
- 手机:18262108721
- QQ:2217541087
- Email:2217541087@qq.com