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宿迁UPS快递公司 宿迁UPS快递下单取件 直飞美国包税

更新时间:2025-01-26 07:30:00
联系手机: 18262108721

宿迁UPS快递公司 宿迁UPS快递下单取件 直飞美国包税

UPS (New York Stock Code: UPS) recently celebrated the opening of a $1.5 million new logistics center in Taoyuan Nankan. The facility called NK2 covers an area of 145000 square feet and serves both bonded and non bonded carriers. It has over 3800 pallet positions and 3000 shelf positions, increasing UPS's total storage capacity in Taiwan by over 30%.

NK2 is located near Taoyuan International Airport and connects Taiwan with over 220 countries and regions around the world in just one working day through UPS's intelligent logistics network. NK2's strategic positioning is to enhance the connectivity and competitive advantage of companies in the region by establishing a high-tech industry.


"Taiwan's high-tech industry is renowned worldwide and is a major driving force for the local economy," said Sebastian Chan, President of UPS Global Freight Forwarding and Global Logistics and Distribution Asia Pacific.

"This new UPS facility provides more opportunities for businesses in the industry to further develop by providing simplified operations, improved efficiency, and easier access to Taiwan's bustling freight airports and UPS's extensive global network.",

Since 1988, UPS has been committed to promoting cross-border trade among Taiwanese business owners through a series of products and solutions, in order to better enter the global market.

This includes the recent enhancement of UPS global expedited and global economic services, as well as the recently launched UPS Marketplace Shipping, which can simplify the processing of orders from multiple online markets.



  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
  • 电话:15251186381
  • 经理:潘记伟
  • 手机:18262108721
  • QQ:2217541087
  • Email:2217541087@qq.com