滨州DHL快递 滨州DHL下单取件 DHL敦豪快递折扣优惠方案
滨州DHL快递 滨州DHL下单取件 DHL敦豪快递折扣优惠方案
The historic 500mm sorting occurred on May 18, 2024, at DHL's factory in Toledo, Spain, where a LocusBot retrieved a consumer home product. Although DHL took 2.5 years to complete the first 10 million sorting, the next 100 million sorting only took 28 months. It is worth noting that the last 100 million draft only took 154 days. The achievement of this milestone reflects the exponential growth of the power and technology of human-machine collaboration, with LocusBots seamlessly increasing DHL's human resources to provide unparalleled performance.
DHL Binzhou Express Scope:
Bincheng District Zhanhua District Huimin County Yangxin County Wudi County Boxing County Zouping County
DHL's Chief Information Officer for Supply Chain, Sally Miller, stated, "At DHL, we are committed to driving innovation and operations through accelerated digitalization strategies aimed at large-scale deployment of automation solutions.". "Locus Robotics has always been a valuable partner in this work, and this milestone achievement highlights the productivity, accuracy, and employee ergonomics improvements we enjoy in our global network."
As LocusBots is deployed in over 35 DHL managed sites worldwide, the partnership between the two companies continues to flourish, setting new benchmarks for efficiency and performance in the logistics industry.
"We are delighted to celebrate this significant achievement with our esteemed partner DHL Supply Chain," said Rick Faulk, CEO of Locus Robotics. "Their unwavering commitment to innovation and trust in our LocusBot solution will help achieve this extraordinary milestone. We are proud to play a crucial role in DHL's continued success and look forward to achieving more milestones as we continue to collaborate."
Locus Robotics革命性的多机器人解决方案融合了强大的人工智能驱动的智能AMR,与传统的履行系统相比,AMR与人类工人协同工作,显著提高了生产力,同时降低了劳动力需求。这项屡获殊荣的技术有助于解决多个行业的公司面临的挑战,包括劳动力短缺、低效的流程以及满足不断增长的吞吐量需求的需求。
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