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肥东县DHL国际快递网点 肥西县中外运敦豪下单取件
At her new home Chocolat is being gradually introduced to six other chimpanzees who will become her adopted family. Monkey World is home to chimpanzees rescued from 16 different countries. Chocolat's new family were rescued from Mexico, Argentina, Cyprus, and Thailand, and also have various disabilities as a result of their tragic backgrounds. She has already made friendly contact with Bryan, the dominant male in her group, reaching out to him and for the first time in over 20 years, touching a fellow chimp. She is getting used to a diet with a larger variety of vegetables than she has been accustomed to. As she learns how to be a chimp again, Chocolat is expected to live out the rest of her days in peace at Monkey World. Chimps like Chocolat have an average life expectancy of 50 years.
Other organizations who have supported and assisted Chocolat's transfer are African Apes and the William Holden Wildlife Foundation, founded by actress Stefanie Powers in honor of her lifelong love William Holden.
Stefanie Powers, founder of William Holden Wildlife Foundation, said "In my avocation as a wildlife conservationist, I am concerned about the illegal trafficking of primates which continues unabated. It is only through the extraordinary efforts of individuals such as Alison Cronin and her Monkey World team that our fellow primates may be rescued and rehabilitated. We are only a fraction of DNA removed from all our primate brothers and sisters and it is a privilege to play a small part in helping to preserve and protect them. Thanks to the outstanding generosity and support from DHL one very special chimpanzee called Chocolat will have a chance at a fulfilling life. As a friend of Chocolat I am grateful to DHL and Monkey World."
Dr Alison Cronin MBE, Director at Monkey World, said "We're so happy to welcome Chocolat. The reason we exist is to offer a nurturing environment for chimpanzees and other primates and to give them back a fraction of what has been taken from them by humans, providing them with a family again. Companionship of their own kind is vital to chimpanzees' wellbeing, as they are social, intelligent animals. Living in family groups in as natural an environment as possible is the best kind of rehabilitation we can provide to chimpanzees like Chocolat. Her integration will be gradual, but her journey has been very smooth, thanks to the support of DHL and so far, she is settling in well."
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